For Profhilo® the complete treatment involves two injectable treatments which are done four weeks apart,
Profhilo® is, quite simply, a game changer! It is a revolutionary new product which provides an incredible and visible boost to tired, ageing and sagging skin by bio remodelling.
Profhilo® is a unique injectable treatment that stimulates collagen synthesis and targets skin laxity as well as boosting the appearance of dull and lifeless skin. It also stimulates increased production of the body’s own hyaluronic acid (HA) and elastin.
It is important to note that, although it is an injectable hyaluronic acid-based product, it is NOT a dermal filler. Its unique properties mean it not only boosts and hydrates the skin but also remodels sagging tissue without increasing volume.
Where can be treated using Profhilo®?
Profhilo® is especially effective at treating loose skin in the cheeks and jowls as well as other areas usually considered difficult to treat with injectable products, such as:
• temples
• forehead
• hands
• inner arms
• neck & chest
What does a Profhilo® treatment involve?
Profhilo® is administered via the BAP technique, this uses a very fine needle to inject the product directly into five specific points on the face. These are called the Bio Aesthetic Points and are seen as the optimum areas for placement of hyaluronic acid. The technique allows the treatment to be effective and simple, reducing the chance of pain, bruising or haematoma at the injection site.
Once injected, the product immediately starts spreading like honey due to the high concentration of HA and its cohesive nature. It flows and distributes itself evenly, rather than remaining where it is placed, naturally and without resistance integrating within the skin’s existing tissue.
How many Profhilo treatments are required?
For most patients, an initial course of two treatment sessions, with an interval of one month between sessions, is recommended. The result of the treatment increases firmness, elasticity and an overall improved quality of your skin and usually lasts around six – nine months.